So Shall it Be
by Marryann (35-J-2) FPE
Late in the evening of a certain cold and blus- tery fall day, some four decades past, a little blue- eyed baby boy was born. And though no one else seemed to be aware of it, a little girl was born at the same instant. The paths of these two were des- tined to cross many times in the future.
The little boy thrived on the love and affection of doting parents and passed quickly from crib to creeper, tricycle and into vigorous boyhood to the ripe old age of five years. All this time, the girl bided her time. I recall most vividly of rising very early on a Sunday morning before my parents were awake. Like all little boys of that age, I was filled with curiosity, and as I pattered about the house in my bare feet, I chanced to notice Mother's clothing arrayed on a chair in her bedroom. Suddenly, I had an overwhelming desire to put on those soft, pretty things. In a jiffy, they were on! I was transported into a world of wonder---or was it that my "sister" came alive?
My parents awoke and saw there before them a little boy, draped in a dress far too large for his slight frame. He was completely transfixed. couldn't resist breaking out into laughter--which still rings in my ears. Jolted back to reality, and red-faced, I shed those clothes--but they were not shed forever. From that moment on, my world was different--a girl's world.
Being an only child, I was left pretty much to my own devices. The usual "boy games and activities had little interest for me. Balls, bats and marbles